More Info Coming Soon

Our Mission

To ignite the fire of passion for mission in the lives of fellow Adventist youth, equipping them to spark that flame in their churches, communities, conferences, countries, and the world.

What We Are

Adventist Youth on a Mission – West (AYM West) is a youth-led weekend of fun aimed at young people ages 12-20. Here we seek to promote wholesome fellowship and fire for God through Christ-centered activities, outdoor recreation, spiritual messages, and practical outreach. Our goal is to create an community of encouragement for Adventist youth to be empowered to live for Christ founded on our Cornerstone – Jesus Christ.

Why We Do It

As Seventh-day Adventist young people in a secular age of self-absorption, we are called to be different. Instead of selfishly living for ourselves, we’re called to the opposite; blessing and helping others for the kingdom of God. But before we can move forward with God, we need to make sure our Cornerstone is in place: Jesus Christ is our ultimate example of loving others.


Throughout the weekend we will encourage each other through powerful spiritual messages presented by young people, and by spending time in recreation, exercise, and Godly fellowship in nature. First ensure we’re building on the true Cornerstone and growing closer to Jesus in our own personal lives. Then gain experience in evangelism, learning how to share the Love of God with those around us in the most efficient way possible, being inspired to do more for God in our own lives.


We’d love to hear any questions or comments you may have. Drop us a note and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!